Monday, November 7th, 2022
Written By: Issa Zola (Danielle Canty)
Soul vs. Spirit or Are they interchangeable?
Many religions along with their religious text identify the soul as the spirit or vice versa. So, what exactly is the soul and what is the spirit? According to some religious text, the soul is the gift of God and the spirit is the life of God. However, together they are one in terms of being called "The Gift of Life." Throughout the African Holocaust or better known to many as the greatest slavery ever documented in history "Black Slavery or the African Slave Trade" was the peak of the term soul. As soul became a word to identify the melanated male and female along with their revamped or recreated culture. For example, the term soul food or food for the soul was derived from the South of The New World known as North America. One of the geographical locations called Charleston or Charles Town, S.C. at the time was one of the biggest if not the biggest slave imports. The indigenous ancestors were quite soulful beings during this period and still impactful today. Soul food was created by the slaves due to lack of proper and healthy food choices available. As they were practically forced to eat the scraps, organs, or animal by-product their slave masters provided in order to survive. The ancestors created meals from the limited resources they had in order to create a meal for their families each day. The idea of neck bones, pig feet, chitterlings, hog jowls, boston butt, mountain oysters, etc became an acquired food source created for survival. It was the "soul" of the slaves that brought forth a new diet and way of eating or life in general (i.e soul food). Other terms over the years that identified soul were terms like soul sister, soul brother, and soul music which all related to the melanated or indigenous people of the Earth. The term soul originated from the pain and suffering of our ancestors. Therefore, soul is the mind, will, drive, emotions where we think, feel, and do. Soul is your personality or character. Soul is the expression of creativity. Soul is the projection of the spirit outward or shown to the world. Soul is the ability to take pain and create beauty. The ability to create something out of nothing. The soul is the warrior that dwells within our existence.
Spirit on the other hand, is a the representation within as related to the "GOD CONSCIOUSNESS" or "INNER-G (Energy)." Spirit is your higher-self or the christos aka christ consciousness. Spirit is also identified as the lower-self as there are lower vibration spirits in existence as well (Duality). The ONLY way to connect to higher powers or a higher power is through spirit and truth. Spirit is an eternal force. Whereas, soul is temporary. Soul is what drives the world or this planet. Spirit is what connects you to the multiverse and other like-minded beings. Spirit is and Soul was. To simply put it Spirit is to soul as Christ is to God the Father or Muhammad to Allah. They are separate entities but can be viewed as one or a whole.
All in all, the Soul is the birth of the Spirit. It is what the human creates in this dimension. The soul can be viewed as the "birth or construction of the EGO."
In light of the political elections season, Joe Biden said it best during his campaign for presidency, "Battle for the soul(s) of the nation." Just allow that to ponder your thoughts.
Spirit is energy and keep in mind that the law of conservation of energy states, "Energy is neither created nor destroyed but transferred or converted from one form of energy to another." Therefore, spirit existed before existence. Spirit began before the beginning. Spirit doesn't seek to survive because it is forever & ever. So, as I always say, "We are spirits having a human experience." My people must expand their consciousness and always aim to think outside the box the world continues to place you in. You are much greater, powerful, and bigger my melanated brothers and sisters.
Stay Awake Family. Peace & Love. Ase