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1.09 Gallon Water Carrier

1.09 Gallon Water Carrier

Water is the greatest healer of the human body as it is made of 60%+ of water. Water is known as one of the basic units of life and one can not live without it. Water is in all fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

  • Benefits of Drinking Water!!!

    • carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells.
    • flushing bacteria from your bladder.
    • aiding digestion.
    • preventing constipation.
    • normalizing blood pressure.
    • stabilizing the heartbeat.
    • cushioning joints.
    • protecting organs and tissues.
    • regulating body temperature.
    • maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance.


  • Different Ways Water Can Help Improve Well-Being!

    • It helps create saliva.
    • It regulates your body temperature.
    • It protects your tissues, spinal cord, and joints.
    • It helps excrete waste through perspiration, urination, and defecation.
    • It helps maximize physical performance.
    • It helps prevent constipation.
    • It aids in digestion.
    • It helps with nutrient absorption.
    • It helps you lose weight.
    • It improves blood oxygen circulation.
    • It helps fight off illness.
    • It helps boost energy.
    • It helps improve mood.
    • It helps keep skin bright.
    • It prevents overall dehydration.

    Pick Up orders are within 3 days of order and usually on Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays.

    Shipping orders should arrive within 5-7 days of order if mailed in the U.S. (Please note these times could vary due to postal service delays. However, orders that are shipped will be frozen and mailed to preserve your product!) Shipping tracking number will be sent via text or my email provided.

    All shipments are on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Saturdays of every week.

    Hand Delivery orders are within 3 days of order and usually on Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays.


    Please ensure at checkout you are choosing the "correct delivery" route as prices vary in different locations.

Size 1 gallon

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